Calibre 0.8.67

Calibre es un gestor y organizador de libros electrónicos, que permite la conversión de los formatos de archivos para libros electrónicos más utilizados.

Está programado en los lenguajes Python y C, y es multiplataforma, ya que permite ser ejecutado en GNU/Linux, Mac OS X y Microsoft Windows.

Ha sido actualizado a la versión 0.8.67 con varios cambios:

New Features

  • PDF Output: Generate a PDF Outline based on the Table of Contents of the input document
  • Conversion: Add an option under Structure Detection to set the ‘Start reading at’ metadata with an XPath expression.
  • Speed up changing the title and author of files with books larger than 3MB by avoiding an unnecessary extra copy.
  • Wireless device driver: Make detecting and connecting to devices easier on networks where mdns is disabled
  • PDF Output: Allow choosing the default font family and size when generating PDF files (under PDF Options) in the conversion dialog
  • Metadata dialog: Comments editor: Allow specifying the name of a link when using the insert link button.Closes tickets: 1042683
  • Remove the unmaintained pdfmanipulate command line utility. There are many other tools that provide similar functionality, for example, pdftk and podofo

Bug Fixes

  • Catalogs: Fix regression that broke sorting of non series titles before series titles
  • PDF Output: Do not create duplicate embedded fonts in the PDF for every individual HTML file in the input document
  • Fix regression that broke DnD of files having a # character in their names to the book details panel
  • PDF Output: Allow generating PDF files with more than 512 pages on windows.Closes tickets: 1041614
  • Fix minor bug in handling of the completion popups when using the next/previous buttons in the edit metadata dialog

New news sources

  • Cumhuriyet Yzarlar by Sethi Eksi
  • Arcadia by Masahiro Hasegawa
  • Business Week Magazine and Chronicle of Higher Education by Rick Shang
  • CIPER Chile by Darko Miletic

Improved news sources

  • Coding Horror
  • TIME Magazine

Podemos instalar o actualizar a Calibre 0.8.67 en Ubuntu agregando este PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/calibre
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install calibre


Fuente: ubuntips

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