Glippy 0.5 – Gestor del portapapeles

Glippy es un gestor del portapapeles con soporte para texto e imágenes desde el teclado o el ratón.

Tiene varias opciones interesantes como poder guardar el historial al salir de una sesión, poder asignarle un atajo de teclado, etc.

Acaba de ser liberada la versión 0.5 con esta lista de cambios:

- redesigned main menu – more separators, ugly indicators in square brackets with nice characters
- support for rich, formatted text (HTML content from web browser, libreoffice etc.)
- better images handling
- gnome files support (you can copy file in Nautilus, select some text and restore file later)
- actions executes every line separately
- redesigned preferences, edit snippet/action windows etc.
- screenshots support (experimental) – yeah, you can grab part of screen and store it in clipboard (for upload, for example)… or at least you shoud be able to do it (like I said – experimental)
- new icons
- place for stuff which I’ve forgotten…
- redesigned all structure
- plugins support, simple api with settings, hotkeys and clipboard managers
- added experimental screenshot plugin, which needs some polish.

Podemos instalar Glippy 0.5 en Ubuntu 11.10 agregando este PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bikooo/glippy

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get remove glippy-indicator

sudo apt-get install glippy glippy-ubuntu-mono


Fuente: ubuntips

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