Ya está disponible la nueva versión de Wine en su rama de desarrollo, y aunque todavía no se considera 100% estable ya corrige una cantidad significativa de bugs, además de mejorar el soporte MSXML y AVI.
Para los que todavía no lo sepan o estén adentrándose en el mundo GNU/Linux, Wine es una reimplementación de la API de Win16 y Win32 para sistemas operativos basados en Unix, que nos permite ejecutar programas para MS-DOS, Windows 3.11, 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista y Windows 7 en GNU/Linux.
Os dejo a continuación la lista de bugs corregidos en la versión 1.1.37:
7309 Desperados: image masking problem
8232 Fate Axis – unimplemented function D3DRMCreate
8867 Oblivion water lacks any shader effects
9034 Fireworks 3 help fails, URL passed to winebrowser mishandled
9369 cannot use context menu in password gorilla
10047 Oblivion water lacks transparency
11462 Protel does not show correctly status bar
11795 Oblivion giant tree sprite(s) follow the player
12871 Civilization 2 Test of Time is Unplayable
13560 Baldur’s Gate 2 Throne of Bhaal fails to save game because the file default.tot exists in the game temp directory.
13827 Oblivion distant trees flicker and look like 2D sprites
14443 Enterprise Architect – Text inside block rendered in reversed order
15368 Heroes of Might and Magic IV crashes
15388 gdi32: dib.c fails to build with gcc 4.2, -Werror -O3
15496 Rome Total War always crashes on certain maps
15580 The Bat! v4.0.34.13 – lose birthday in addressbook
15962 BMW M3 Challenge: Screen between intro and menu is invisible
16143 msxml1: Can’t set an attribute to Null
16496 Battlezone 2: frame rate deteriorated
16750 ntdll/tests/rtlbitmap.c: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type
16965 Deep Burner opens with missing buttons on burn iso window
16981 SAMO-Touragent does not work with new gecko engine (since 1.1.12)
17041 Console messages cut short?
17123 WinAVR: make command fails with Interrupt/Exception caught
17172 IDirect3DDevice9::Present ignores pDestRect
17203 Regression in PowerPC compilation
17308 ArtRage needs native gdiplus
17650 Maya PLE 8.5 doesn’t install
18381 Oblivion: blank screen when HDR is enabled
18541 HoneyBOT: Wine crash upon Right Click Copy of text.
18658 Kingsoft Office crashes almost immediately on launch
19395 ExSystemTimeToLocalTime is not implemented
20406 Perfect World International – Diagonal Lines on Tiger Barbarians
20841 Read buffer overflow in test_GetSidSubAuthority?
21087 Civilization 2 crashes during installation
21206 Cygwin 1.7.1 fails to install packages under wine
21220 16-bit app barks at wprocs.dll and then crashes
21289 System call “dup2? returns 0 for negative inputs, thus behaving different from real Windows
21291 System call “dup2? doesn’t retain text vs binary mode
21320 wine/list.h has namespace conflicts with sys/queue.h
21331 Stars! crash on “New Game”
21334 build broken on OpenSolaris
Descarga | Wine 1.1.37
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