Nuevamente trayendo novedades sobre Parted Magic, una pequeña distribución en formato LiveCD que nos proporciona una colección de herramientas para el testeo de hardware, rescate de datos y principalmente particionado de discos duros. Estos son los cambios de la versión:
GParted LVM support! This enhancement was written by new GParted team member Mike Fleetwood. This is a list of new LVM features:
* Physical Volume creation
* Physical Volume checking
* Physical Volume resizing (No compaction, just adjusting size above highest used block)
* Physical Volume moving using GParted’s offline move capability
* Volume Group activation / deactivation
* Physical Volume deletion
A large number of programs have been updated: mc-4.8.4, exfat-utils-0.9.8, fuse-exfat-0.9.8, firefox-15.0.1, gparted-0.13.1-git, kmod-10, alsa-utils-1.0.26, alsa-lib-1.0.26. eject-2.1.5, systemd-189, unetbootin-581, pigz-2.2.5, openssh-6.1p1, e2fsprogs-1.42.5, grep-2.14, coreutils-8.19, xorg-server-1.12.4, linux-3.5.3, bash-4.2.037, btrfs-progs-20120821, spacefm-0.7.11, udevil-0.3.2, wireless_tools.29.
A mess of bugs has also been dealt with.
The has been updated so it works with atftpd again. There were actually two issues. The bigger initbase file was 41MB and atftpd can only handle 32MB max file size. The other issue was a limit on the number of characters in the command line. The split files now have shorter names like part00.
Pueden descargar Parted Magic 2012_09_12 desde su página de descargas.
Fuente: ubuntips