Pac Manager 4.3 – Como actualizarlo o instalarlo en Ubuntu

Se ha vuelto a actualizar PAC Manager, un magnífico gestor gráfico que nos permite manejar más amigablemente conexiones SSH / Telnet.

Está escrito en Perl/GTK y esta es la lista de cambios de esta nueva versión (4.3):

. Awesome PAC startup speed improvement, specially when *too many* connections are configured!
. Added options to allow/deny both visible/audible terminal bell
. Added DnD method for the “Local Shell” tab to untab
. Added <Ctrl><Alt>d shortcut to duplicate current connection
. Added <Shift><Ctrl><Alt>d shortcut to *FULL* duplicate current connection
. Fixed a bugt that prevented PAC from working properly with “local executions on disconnection”
. Fixed a bug that prevented PAC from correctly working if both “rdesktop” and “xfreerdp” packages were installed
. Modified the “Save” connection method to not to allow saving if any error encountered
. Fixed erroneous check for “cu” connections on save

Podemos instalarlo en Ubuntu con el siguiente paquete deb:


Descargar: pac-4.3-all.deb

Fuente: ubuntips

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