¿Te falta algún número de FullCircle?: Usa este script para descargar la revista

Si te gusta la revista FullCircle y quieres descargar algún número que te falte, puedes utilizar el siguiente script.

01 #!/bin/bash
02 echo -n "What is the issue number of the first Full Circle Magazine to
03 download? "
04 read firstissue
06 echo ""
07 echo -n "What is the issue number of the last Full Circle Magazine to
08 download? ( > or = the previous number) "
09 read lastissue
11 cd ~/Desktop # ~ brings you to the home directory of the user and from
12 there I wanted to use my folder 'Desktop'
14 for a in `seq $firstissue $lastissue`
15 do
16 wget -U Mozilla "http://dl.fullcirclemagazine.org/issue"$a"_en.pdf"
17 done
19 echo ""
20 echo "Complete!"


Fuente: ubuntulife

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